She Drowned

A really old corpse, of a child lost to the water, when a segment of the Underground Flooded. Drowned is clearly Feminine, and stands at roughly 4 feet tall. It’s skin is pale white with patches of decomposed black. It’s Hair is a deep black, flowing down to it’s shoulders, soaked with water, and tangled to the point it could never be undone. It’s eyes are empty, formerly emerald green and now a faded green. It wears a simple White dress, soaked through with water and sticking to it’s clothes. It looks almost miserable, it’s face covered by it’s hair. It cannot speak due to water filled lungs, and breathes in shaky, raspy breaths. It will shy away from contact, and if cornered it will produce a gurgley growl to attempt to intimidate. It is scared, and lonely, as everyone else it ever knew or loved in it’s little village, are all dead, rotted to bones, and it’s little village flooded, everything a shadow of it’s former self, soaked in water. The Sunlight scares it, and it does it’s best to avoid The Sunlight at all costs. warmth seems to calm it, and if provided a source of warmth it will stay close to it.